DWToyspot has secured a deal with MOATz ( Ministry of Accredited Toyz) for an exclusive discount for our readers! DWToyspot readers will enjoy a 5% discount on the nett price for their Acrylic Display Case orders.
International Shipping (for buyers outside Singapore)
Shipping internationally is also possible, just indicate in the "Other Comments" section of the form your location and address and Moatz will quote it wihtin the quotation when they revert to you.
Heres the scoop;
1)Use the form below to request for a quote from Moatz. Alternatively, you can email your order. Be sure to include a valid promo code if you are emailing Moatz directly.
2)Moatz would then quote you the cost for your acrylic project based on the dimensions you provided. You can attach a drawing if your acrylic project is not in the standard box shape.
3) Finalize price and delivery details directly with Moatz