Feena comes from Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na, a fictional series centering on a princess from a kingdom on the moon who lives with a family on Earth for a time. It began as a Japanese adult visual novel video game developed by August and was followed by a PlayStation 2 adaptation developed by Aria. A manga and a 12-episode anime based on the series, called Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Crescent Love came after that.
Feena is basically Princess Feena Fam Earthlight from the Kingdom of Sphere on Earth's moon. in the series it was decided that she was to live on Earth in a homestay with the family of the primary secretary to the president of the United Nations so as to get more knowledgeable of Earth in order to better prepare herself for her succession as the Kingdom of Sphere's next queen.
The nendoroid comes complete with 3 expressions:a smiling face, a eyes closed face and an elegant smiling face. Also included are her staff, and a sunflower apparently staple items from the series.
I must say, I like this Nendoroid alot. From the colors to the intricately sculpted dress, it is a must have for nendo collectors (like me). The tiny tiara on her head just rounds off the nendo so well.
Sad to say it is an exclusive (all the nice ones are arent they..), and is only sold at Sofmap stores all over Japan and sofmap.com. So get your internet trudging shoes on and scour the internet for where to get yours.
Product Details
Product Name Nendoroid Feena (ねんどろいど ふぃーな)Series Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na
Manufacturer Good Smile Company
Category Nendoroid
Price 3500Yen (~SGD$55)
Release Date 2010/06
Specifications Painted ABS&PVC posable figure - not to scale - approx 10cm(H)
Sculptor JUN(E.V.)
Cooperation Nendoron
Sold At Sofmap stores all over Japan and sofmap.com (Japanese only)
Credits: http://www.goodsmile.info/product/en/2814/Nendoroid+Feena.html